So, you’re interested in welding, but have you wondered how arc welders work? Manufacturers, welders, artists, and hobbyists use arc welding more than any other welding technique, and if you want...
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How Welding Helmets Work: 5 Things To Know About Welding Masks
If you are just beginning to enter the world of welding, then you need to know how a welding helmet works. The welding helmet is a vital protective tool that protects you from the elements of...
Welding is a complicated technical science, and there are many kinds of common welding mistakes that everyone from amateurs to veterans fall prey to while welding. Luckily, many of these mistakes can...
Do Welding Certifications Expire? 4 Important Things To Know
Based on statistics compiled by Career Explorer, there are an estimated 404,800 career welders in the United States. This number is expected to grow between now and 2026. When looking at this...
7 Common Welding Gas Cylinder Sizes – What’s In Them And Safe Use
There are few things as frustrating as being in the middle of a welding project and running out of gas. If you’re thinking that it would be nice to know how long your gas will last or how to even...
The process of welding two metals together is an art form. The weld must be strong and clean. An old saying of welders is, “You may fool men. You can’t fool the metal.” And with the types of...