The tip of a welding torch is an essential piece of the torch welding process. The small holes at the end of the tip form the flame in just the right way to keep your welds precise. When these holes...
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Discussions of the potential for medical oxygen to be used for welding seems to be questioned quite a bit, and for a good reason. During welds, you want to ensure that you are using the proper...
It is no secret that looking directly at welding can undoubtedly be harmful to your eyes. However, many question whether or not it is also detrimental to watch the process on a screen. Is it bad...
It is so frustrating when your welding torch pops in the middle of a project, and you can’t figure out the problem. It’s pretty scary and potentially dangerous too. What’s even more frustrating...
Welding tanks play a crucial role in the welding process. They hold and pressurize the compressed gas used to run your entire operation. Gas tanks are everywhere in the industrial world, and some of...
While not all welding rods are radioactive, some types of rods can contain low levels of radioactivity, and caution needs to be taken while handling them. Are welding rods radioactive?