When welding with different kinds of steel, it can be tricky to get the metals to work well together and also avoid rusting in your final product. Welding dissimilar metals can be tricky in many...
Tag: welding materials
Selecting the right welding rod can be quite a headache since there is certainly no universal electrode for welding in every circumstance. We have saved you at least a few headaches by creating a...
Plastic welding seems counterintuitive. Typical welding by using metals uses high heat and electricity to fuse pieces of metal together. When it comes to plastic, it seems like the plastics would...
So, you’re interested in welding, but have you wondered how arc welders work? Manufacturers, welders, artists, and hobbyists use arc welding more than any other welding technique, and if you want...
The process of welding two metals together is an art form. The weld must be strong and clean. An old saying of welders is, “You may fool men. You can’t fool the metal.” And with the types of...
Can Welding Rods Go Bad? How to Assess and Fix Welding Electrodes
For welding to be efficient and enjoyable, you'll need reliable welding rods. Apart from being reliable, you'll also want to ensure that the rods are in good condition. Welding effectively and...